Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Institute for Infinitely Small Things “Digging for Happiness”

The Institute for Infinitely Small Things enacted “Digging for Happiness” in the lawn of a Cambridge home (which the Institute lined up via Craigslist) on Sept. 26. As the Boston-area art collective described it beforehand:
“A while ago we have talked of doing this project. Now that we have done some projects that took a looong time to finish, now that we have done some projects which forced us to do a lot of negotiating, we felt the time has come to do a day of Institute type hard work and fun. We posted an ad online asking for someone to donate a patch of land 5x5 feet in order for us to dig for happiness. And we got a response :)

“A nice house in a nice hood. A very fine family and kids. So kids are welcome. A small event. A party. As a gesture. An action that allows us to explore the futile work of measuring the impact of art and its actions on our lives. A fun day. A day where we can all dig for a reason. We can dig for happiness. At last!”
Some Instituters involved tell me that they did find happiness – in just getting it to happen, and in doing it just the way they wished without any compromises that, say, sometimes happen with museum exhibits.

April 24, 2009: Institute for Infinitely Small Things’ “Origami Stimulus Package”
April 8, 2008: Profile of The Institute for Infinitely Small Things
Dec. 23, 2006: The Institute for Infinitely Small Things “The New American Dictionary (Security/Fear Edition)," etc.

Photos by Instituter James Manning.

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