Tuesday, February 16, 2010

New England Art Awards photos, press

Here (finally) are photos from the 2009 New England Art Awards, which were held at the Burren in Somerville, Massachusetts, on Feb. 8. Thanks to Jane Cunningham for taking these great shots.

Above, Brandeis student Brian Friedberg (right) accepts the people’s choice and critics’ pick award for “public exposure” that was awarded to the Protests of Brandeis officials’ plans to close the school’s Rose Art Museum. Greg Cook (left) of The New England Journal of Aesthetic Research shuffles through his notes.

The Boston Globe’s “Names” celebrity news column reported:
“When the 2009 New England Art Awards were handed out the other night, the efforts of Brian Friedberg were not overlooked. The Brandeis student took home the Public Exposure Award for his protests to keep the Rose Art Museum from closing. (You’ll recall that Jehuda Reinharz, Brandeis’ president, announced a plan to sell the art and shutter the museum, but that was put on hold after an international outcry.) ‘I accepted the award on behalf of a lot of people,’ Friedberg told us yesterday. ‘We created spectacles that were meant to put pressure on the school.’ As an example, he and his merry band of art lovers hung a huge, homemade ATM sign outside the museum. ‘We were calling attention to the university’s plan to use the museum as a cash machine,’ said Friedberg. ‘And it worked.’”

More news about the 2009 New England Art Awards:

BerkshireFineArts.com: “This is the second annual award list organized by Greg Cook the publisher/ editor of The New England Journal of Aesthetic Research. A gala celebration was held at the Burren in Somerville. You had to be there.”

Bowdoin Daily Sun: “Wethli Wins 2009 New England Award for Painting.”

Somerville Journal: “Somerville artists win at New England Art Awards.”

Portland Phoenix: “New England Art Awards honor Maine artists.”

Rhode Island State Council on the Arts blog: “Congratulations! Rhode Islanders Win New England Art Awards.”

HubArts.com: “New England Art Awards are what's Cookin.'”

“On the town” with Artblog.net.

New Bodega: “Greg invented an award and people are excited to win it.”

Boston Globe: “Malden's Sand T wins New England art award.”

Big Red & Shiny: “The New England Art Awards Winners.”

Photos by Jane Cunningham of Gloucester. Pictured from second to top to bottom: The splendid Second Line Social Aid & Pleasure Society Brass Band plays at the beginning of the Awards Ball. New England Journal of Aesthetic Research executive director Jasper Percival Cook steps up to the mic. The executive director is helped onto the stage by Kari Percival. Greg Cook awards the critics' pick and people's choice award for best historical show to Boston Museum of Fine Arts curator Frederick Ilchman for organizing "Titian, Tintoretto, Veronese: Rivals in Renaissance Venice.” Greg Cook presents the people’s choice prize for “group show featuring local artists to one of the gentlemen from the Megapolis Audio Festival. A few crowd shots.

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