“Self and Others” at Brown

From my review of “Self and Others” at Brown University’s Bell Gallery:
“Self and Others” is this year’s version of the Bell Gallery’s annual regional survey. These photos are about pretending as a route to understanding and questioning what’s usually taken for normal. The beauty and conceptual meatiness of the six photographers’ work — mostly portraits of people performing in one way or another — is a testament to the quality of Bell director Jo-Ann Conklin’s eye as well as of the art being made hereabouts.Read the rest here.
“Self and Others,” Bell Gallery, Brown University, 64 College St., Providence, June 7 to July 8, 2008.
Pictured from top to bottom: Amy Lovera of Providence, detail of “Girl & Bird Detective Co”; Linn Underhill of New York state, untitled from “No-Man’s Land.”

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