Michael Ellis

From my review of Michael Ellis at Anthony Greany Gallery:
Michael Ellis of Boston also demonstrates his mastery of craft, with photorealist paintings at Anthony Greaney Gallery. One looks like a blow-up of a postcard of a mountain range. (It's actually from a photo taken by Ellis's brother.) Up close it seems to have been painted mainly with lots of grayed blue and green horizontal and vertical brushstrokes, but step back five feet and it becomes a crisp photo…Read the rest here.
Michael Ellis at Anthony Greany, 450 Harrison Ave., Boston, Feb. 6 to March 28, 2009.
Pictured from top to bottom: Michael Ellis, all untitled.

Great exhibit reviews! I love how you've included photos for all of the exhibits too to give readers a sense of the artist's work. I was just recently reading another blog about a photographer who was having trouble taking photos in galleries to write reviews because the galleries weren't letting him. I think it's important that galleries not only allow photography, but that it's great that some galleries are now starting to showcase artwork online for those who may not be able to see the exhibits in person. More artists and galleries are also taking to online art communities/galleries to network, promote, and share their artwork. Masterpiece Solutions’ new online art gallery, Masterpiece Online, is a comprehensive website where artists and galleries can share and sell their artwork (www.masterpieceonline.com).
Thanks for posting!
Emily (Masterpiece Solutions)
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