Winter 2007 preview

“Thin Ice,” Jan. 27 to May 13, 2007, with “Our Land: Contemporary Art from the Arctic,” Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., March 27 to May 20, 2007. “Thin Ice” deploys Inuit art and crafts from the museum’s collection to consider how global warming affects native peoples of the Arctic, while “Our Land” presents a collection of contemporary Inuit art that was seen at Salem’s Peabody Essex Museum in the winter of 2004-’05. The threat of global climate change finally became one of our society's foremost concerns in 2006 thanks to Al Gore’s film “An Inconvenient Truth.” And unlike our wars against terrorism, Iraq, Afghanistan and civil liberties (which the art world is still pussyfooting around), it’s something pretty much everyone agrees is very, very bad and needs to be much more significantly addressed. So expect 2007 to be a big year for global warming art.
“Donatello to Giambologna: Italian Renaissance Sculpture at the Museum of Fine Arts,” Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Jan. 24 to Aug. 19, 2007. The MFA rifles through its attic for Renaissance objects and, oh, what pretty things they find gathering dust.

“Sensorium: Embodied Experience, Technology and Contemporary Art,” MIT List Visual Arts Center, Cambridge, Feb. 8 to April 8, 2007. The second half of an exhibit that, in it’s first half, proved to be one of the most provocatively annoying shows in recent memory.

“A New Key: Modern Belgian Art from the Simon Collection,” McMullen Museum, Boston College, Feb. 10 to July 22, 2007. A look at modernist art made in and as seen from Belgium, with works by Rene Magritte, James Ensor, Paul Delvaux and others, drawn from a significant French collection.
“Acquired Tastes: 200 Years of Collecting for the Boston Athenaeum,” Boston Athenaeum, Feb. 13 to July 13, 2007. A major survey of the venerable institution’s historical and artistic collections at its bicentennial.

“Darwin,” Museum of Science, Boston, Feb. 18 to April 27, 2007. Darwin’s revolutionary theory of evolution – and continuing research in the field today – explored via an assortment of fossils, mounted specimens, bugs, live tortoises, an iguana, frogs, carnivorous plants, a recreation of Darwin’s study and more.
“Multiple Strategies: Beuys, Maciunas, Fluxus,” Harvards’s Busch-Reisinger Museum, Feb. 24 to June 10, 2007. Draws on Harvard’s permanent collection to look at the relationship of these two artists through their participation in the influential international art collective Fluxus.
“Bourgeois in Boston,” ICA, March 28, 2007, to March 2, 2008. Works spanning Louise Bourgeois’ career drawn from local collections.

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