The Meaning of Thanksgiving

From my report on my recent visits to Plymouth, Massachusetts, in search of the meaning of Thanksgiving:
If you're looking for meaning in the overly sanitized myth that is our national Thanksgiving celebration, a good place to start is southeastern Massachusetts, where nearly 400 years ago that band of hungry, ill-prepared religious zealots tried to colonize the middle of nowhere at the start of winter. I commenced my own journey there, in Plymouth, at the top of an 80-foot waterslide, which would take me from the deck of a replica Mayflower into the cool waters of a shimmering blue pool.Read the rest here.
The John Carver Inn, which is just a five-minute walk up from the Plymouth waterfront, is much like other ordinary motels, except that its swimming facility boasts a mural of Plymouth Harbor, that replica of the Mayflower jutting out from a wall, and, in the showcase center of the pool, a hot tub set in a replica of Plymouth Rock. What could be more American than that?
My adventure included (pictured from top to bottom) Pilgrim Cove Indoor Theme Pool at the John Carver Inn; the Mayflower II; Plymouth Rock; the waterslide at Pilgrim Cove Indoor Theme Pool; (five photos of) the recreation of 1627 “New Plimoth” at Plimoth Plantation; (three photos of) the “Wampanoag Homesite” at Plimoth Plantation; and (two photos of) the National Monument to the Forefathers. Photos by The New England Journal of Aesthetic Research.

thats all fine but where are the pictures of the BABY?
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