Michael Bizon

From my review of Providence artist Michael Bizon's installation "Cypheromantic" at 5 Traverse gallery in Providence:
Last Friday, I hopped over a guardrail, skirted the manicured lawn of a Providence golf course, scampered into trees, and clutched a rope (conveniently tied to a nearby tree) as I gingerly stepped down a slippery dirt slope toward Michael Bizon's secret art project. The trail stopped at the edge of a cliff of broken-up concrete with a tangle of rusty rebar snaking out.Read the rest here.
Bizon's treasure map — which I'd obtained at 5 Traverse Gallery, where the Providence artist is exhibiting work through September 13 — advised: "Enjoy the view. Shimmy down, you can do it, go for gold, not responsible. Take time, explore the Putrid Paradise Peninsula."
Vines dripped from trees and a creek emerged from a culvert. As I began to climb down, I stood on a log that twisted and gave way. I shifted to the concrete and rebar pile, carefully finding footing and hand holds, while picturing myself slipping, getting fatally impaled on the rebar, and turning into some legendary art world joke. 5 Traverse asks me to note: "The gallery makes visitors sign a liability release when they take a free map."
Michael Bizon, 5 Traverse Gallery, 5 Traverse Street, Providence, Aug. 21 to Sept. 13, 2009.
Pictured from top to bottom: Michael Bizon's "Cypheromantic" installed at 5 Traverse and his secret art installation.

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