NEJAR wins grant(s)

The New England Journal of Aesthetic Research is very happy to announce that it has been awarded a $30,000 grant from Creative Capital and the Warhol Foundation’s Arts Writers Grant Program and has received preliminary approval for a $250 grant from the Malden Cultural Council (final approval, depending on state finances, is expected to be announced in April). The New England Journal of Aesthetic Research is one of just three blogs awarded the Arts Writers Grant this year – and notably the only one of these blogs that currently exists.
Our executive director Jasper (pictured here) says that this windfall will allow the team at The New England Journal of Aesthetic Research to heat our headquarters and eat this winter. Many thanks to the grantors and to everyone who has supported our work – especially you, dear reader.
The Arts Writers Grant is a national program but two other winners also hail from New England – and Massachusetts in particular. Boston writer Geeta Dayal won funding to develop a project about “Locative Art and Urban Space: Mapping an Emerging Field” that will be available both online and via handheld mobile devices. Amherst writer Christoph Cox won funding for his article “Conceptual Art and the Sonic Turn” on the development of sound installation.
Congrats! Great news.
Nice! Congratulations!
Great news Greg. It's good to see the continually excellent work at NEJAR win this support from the Warhol Foundation.
Shows you what a new executive director can do...!
Congratulations to you!
Todd Prussman
Well done, and well-deserved. Congratulations.
Wow! Congratulations, Greg!
Congrats! This is amazing news. YOu are the best
just found this out via e-flux - awesome!
That's fantastic -- major congrats!
Great news. Love the blog. A very needed voice of/for art in NE.
Congratulations! Well-deserved!
Congratulations, Greg!
Well-deserved, I'd say. Nice to know someone's paying attention!
Thank you everyone for all their kind words and encouragement. It's very much appreciated.
Congratulations!!!! Fantastically well deserved!!! New England is lucky to have you around!
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