Mr. Butch

Mr. Butch died Thursday morning, July 12, while riding the scooter he loved so much.
No one wanted Butch to go. He was a pleasure to know and a pain in the ass with that penny whistle ("in a kind way" as he would say). But now it's time to send him off in one last noisy Hurrah.
Please join Allston for a memorial procession in Mr. Butch's honor. There will be a band leading the way but feel free to bring whatever stuff you want to make noise to remember him by. Want to make a float? Knock yourself out. Can you play Motorhead or Ramones songs on a Kazoo or slide whistle? Be there. Whatever you think he would have liked.
Everyone is welcome. Pass this info along to anyone you think might want it.
WHEN: Sunday, July 22. Gathering at 6:30 p.m. Procession begins at 7 p.m..
WHERE: Meet at the corner of Commonwealth and Harvard avenues in Allston, Mass.
THEN WHAT? Procession will go down Harvard Avenue to Brighton Avenue. Turn left to the fire station, pausing at the site of his accident, then proceed up Cambridge Street to the International Community Church at 557 Cambridge St. for a service at 8 p.m. followed by snacks and time for everyone to tell their personal favorite stories about Mr. Butch.